Chip manufactuer AMD is preparing itself to introduce 45nm processors. In the upcoming months we can expect the Shanghai quad core and Deneb is to be launched around somewhere around the end of December. The next step of AMD will be the transition to socket AM3, the platform which starting 2009, will combine the 45nm processors with DDR3 memory. The new socket will also introduce the so-called Thermal Sense Interface (TSI) and Serial VID Interface (SVI). TSI is to provide an accurate measure of the individual core temperature, where SVI should allow for better voltage control for the individual cores.
45 nm Shanghai processor
The first AM3 processors will be Deneb and Propus, the same chips that'll also be launched for socket AM2+. Deneb supports DDR2-1066 and DDR3-1333 memory and will feature 6 MB of L3 cache, Propus will be the same but without the L3 cache.
Heka and Rana are planned for the third quarter of 2009, these are triple core processors, making them the 45 nm successors of the current Toliman chip. At the same time, Regor should be released, a 45 nm dual core processor based around the K10.5 architecture.
The listed names and data are still unconfirmed by AMD.
The first AM3 processors will be Deneb and Propus, the same chips that'll also be launched for socket AM2+. Deneb supports DDR2-1066 and DDR3-1333 memory and will feature 6 MB of L3 cache, Propus will be the same but without the L3 cache.
Heka and Rana are planned for the third quarter of 2009, these are triple core processors, making them the 45 nm successors of the current Toliman chip. At the same time, Regor should be released, a 45 nm dual core processor based around the K10.5 architecture.
The listed names and data are still unconfirmed by AMD.
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